So I Can't sleep I feel like I'm 12 on summer vacation and I'm more awake after midnight then any other time. Its silly really but thats how it is so I'm trying to make good use of this time. First off I'm fixing up my place cleaning out my closet and working on a plan for the apartment. I have this crazy Idea of making a workshop on my porch or my room. The workshop will be soundproof so I can drill and saw all I want without disturbing my neighbor. Size is an issue but given enough time I should figure out something. Ventilation is the other big worry we will see if I have enough gumption to carry it out.
I just finished another book that makes three in the last three weeks. And I found a spelling error/typo, I have a tendency to find these in books wondering if I'm the first to ever catch it. I wonder if I should even write the editor and point out the mistake. I figure most people just read over it and move on. I think I'll do the same but how many things in this world are created in this world without simple flaw?
The rest of the pics are on there way. But in the mid time I'll have some goofy pics for ya all.

You make many mistakes, too; are you sure you just don't know what proper English is?
hey mang the pics are awsome......looks like you had a good time. the bike is sweet.
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