Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Its been two almost three weeks since I've posted. Let me catch you up on the edge that I did end up jumping off while I was gone. Well first off it starts with a week vacation. When ever you tell anyone that your going on vacation the first question is often, "where are you going?". Well I went to my back yard that is Los Angels "The city of angles". I made planes for this one to see the town I've never seen but have lived in a long time, well that would be Miss Lisa Ann came down. Lisa Ann had never seen LA and nether have I so we did what any two young people would in this city of angles, we saw the sites. It was great seeing both of the Getty's, the Griffiths observatory, Venice Beach, and Hollywood. I think I gave this fare city the tour it deserves it was great and I think Miss Lisa Ann might of fallen in love with our city. Then back to work, the machine, the pain of it, and the love of it. On my return skydiving was all the buzz and a couple of guys in the Techart Department where going skydiving the following weekend. What did I do, I singed up of course. It was a awesome, I said Jeronimo on my way down I have a video I'll try to post. Other that that this last weekend, the labor day weekend I was boring. I went through books audio and good old printed text("color of Magic, disk world one", "Twelfth Night", "In the garden of Iden, A Company Novel", "Macbeth", "on writing", and I started "the road" and "a game of thrones"). An awesome weekend by my standers. Well I will post again don't panic.

1 comment:

Jo said...

So, what did you think of "In the Garden of Iden"?

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